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In our download center you can easily retrieve brochures, catalogs, flyers, videos and other media. Use the filter option to quickly get to the desired result. Or enter your topic in the search to have the relevant results displayed directly.


Internship, working student activity, theses

video unternehmen 20 years Würth Industrie Service

Video: Würth Industrie Service celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2019.

systemloesungen unternehmen 25 years partner of industry

Brochure: Inform yourself about our 25th anniversary.

unternehmen 25 years Würth Industrie Service

Brochure: Inform yourself about our 25th anniversary.

video unternehmen 360° Logistics tour

Video: Take part at our 360° Logistics tour at Würth Industrie Service.

produkte Abrasives Mirka

Brochure: Learn everything about grinding from Würth Industrie Service and Mirka.

qualitaet Accredited Test Laboratory

Brochure: Inform yourself about our accredited testing laboratory.

qualitaet video Accredited Test Laboratory

Video: Inform yourself about our accredited competency and official testing laboratory!

produkte Adhesive lubricants and maintenance oils

Brochure: Inform yourself about adhesive lubricants and maintenance oils of Würth.

media unternehmen Aerial view of Würth Industrial Park

Photo: Here you can find a photo of the Würth Industrial Park for download.

produkte Anaerobic adhesives

Brochure: Read more about the anaerobic adhesives of Würth Industrie Service.

media unternehmen Annual report: Würth Group

Document: Find out about the most important news and highlights from the past year of the Würth Group.

unternehmen Annual Review

Brochure: Look back on significant events and moments of Würth Industrie Service in our annual review for 2023.

produkte Anti-fatigue mats

Brochure: Inform yourself about our anti-fatigue mats for more movement, safety and better ergonomics at standing workstations.

karriere Apprenticeship in IT.

Brochure: Inform yourself about the various IT apprenticeship offers of Würth Industrie Service.

karriere Apprenticeship. With a future.

Brochure: Inform yourself about the various apprenticeship offers of Würth Industrie Service.

produkte Assortments in the system case

Brochure: Find out about different tool assortments, matched to the ORSY® system dimension.

produkte ASSY®4

Brochure: Read more about the innovation screw ASSY®4 .

produkte ASSY®PLUS 4

Brochure: Read more about the innovation screw ASSY®plus4.

systemloesungen produkte Automotive

Brochure: Inform yourself about optimum fastening solutions for the cars of tomorrow.

media unternehmen Bad Mergentheim compact

Brochure: Get an idea of the advantages of the city of Bad Mergentheim.

produkte Cable management

Brochure: Inform yourself about our cable management solutions.

karriere Career choice

Brochure: Find out how to help your kids to find the perfect job.

produkte Chemical-technical products

Catalogue: Get an overview of our chemical-technical products and read more about our solutions for a secure hazardous substance management.

produkte Clips & Clamps

Catalogue: Read more about our wide product range of universal and vehicle-specific fasteners.

unternehmen Code of Compliance

Document: Read the Code of Compliance to find out which basic principles are firmly anchored throughout the Würth Group.

unternehmen Code of Conduct

Document: Read more about our commitment to a sustainable development. With heart and mind.

produkte COLDMELT® Technology

Brochure: Read more about the COLDMELT® technology as an innovative solution for connection technology in lightweight wood-based materials.

produkte COLDMELT® technology: Assembly and construction information

Brochure: Inform yourself about the installation and construction instructions for the Coldmelt® dowel eccentric.

video produkte COLDMETLT®-technology

Video: Inform yourself about the connection technology for lightweight wood construction.

unternehmen Company profile Würth Industrie Service

Flyer: Read more about Würth Industrie Service as an independent subsidiary of the Würth Group focused on supplying industrial customers.

produkte Connect Band V

Brochure: Inform yourself about all aspects of the securing of screwed connections.

produkte Connect Volume I

Brochure: Get information on the conversion of withdrawn DIN standards to current EN and/or ISO standards.

produkte Connect Volume II

Brochure: Inform yourself about the topic of riveting technology.

systemloesungen Connected Systems

Catalogue: Read more about our connected systems for a holistic production and operational materials supply.

unternehmen Corporate policy

Document: Read more about the Corporate policy of Würth Industrie Service.

systemloesungen produkte CPS® C-Parts solutions. With Certainty.

Brochure: Inform yourself about how you can optimize your supply chain with our intelligent systems.

systemloesungen produkte CPS®AUTOMOTIVE

Flyer: Read more about our extensive range of C-parts solutions for the automotive industry.

systemloesungen CPS®CONNECT

Brochure: Inform yourself about E-procurement systems of Würth Industrie Service for a fast, independent ordering of production material and MRO.

systemloesungen CPS®KANBAN flex

Flyer: Inform yourself about our Kanban rack CPS®KANBAN flex.

produkte CPS®KIT

Flyer: Inform yourself about our customized kits as part of our C-Parts solutions service.

video systemloesungen CPS®miLOGISTICS

Video: Learn more about the holistic processing of standard and special parts as well as non-Würth parts with CPS®miLOGISTICS.

systemloesungen CPS®miLOGISTICS

Brochure: Learn more about the holistic processing of standard and special parts as well as non-Würth parts with CPS®miLOGISTICS.

systemloesungen produkte CPS®miSELF

Flyer: Inform yourself about our independent management of products and suppliers using CPS®miSELF.

systemloesungen CPS®ON SITE

Flyer: Inform yourself about construction site delivery of C-Parts.

systemloesungen CPS®RFID

Brochure: Read more about our CPS®RFID systems for maximum supply security and productivity.

video systemloesungen CPS®RFID - Production material supply via RFID Kanban

Video: Inform yourself about our different RFID system solutions for managing the replenishment of production material in manufacturing industries.

produkte CPS®SAFETY

Flyer: Inform yourself about our occupational safety assortment CPS®SAFETY.


Flyer: Inform yourself about the offerings of Würth Industrie Service in the area of customised drawing parts.

produkte CPS®SPECIAL PARTS Line Walk

Flyer: Find out about important cost savings on drawing parts at a glance.


Flyer: Inform yourself about optimization opportunities through standardization.

produkte CPS®WAM – Würth Additive Manufacturing

Brochure: Find out more about Würth Additive Manufacturing – the 3D printing services of Würth Industrie Service.

systemloesungen produkte CPS®WIND

Brochure: Read more about our C-parts solutions for the wind power industry.

unternehmen Customer magazine

Magazine: Inform yourself about topics like Industry 4.0 and further future skills.

produkte Cut and stab protection gloves

Brochure: Inform yourself about the right gloves for the right requirements: cut and stab protection gloves.

qualitaet produkte Design and development

Flyer: Inform yourself about the range of services offered by Würth Industrie Service in the field of design and development.

qualitaet beschaffung DIN EN ISO 14001:2015

Certification: DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 of Würth Industrie Service

qualitaet beschaffung unternehmen DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Certification: DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 of Würth Industrie Service

produkte DIN/EN/ISO standards

Brochure: Inform yourself about international DIN EN ISO standards.

produkte DIN/ISO- and Standard Parts

Poster: Get an overview of DIN/ISO and standard parts.

produkte DINO – Technical part

Catalogue: Inform yourself about technical information on fasteners.

produkte Dowel technology

Catalogue: Inform yourself about high-quality dowels for a professional supply solution.

produkte Dowel technology – electrical installation

Brochure: Read more about Würth dowel technology as a reliable solution for electrical installation.

produkte Dowel technology – fastening technology

Catalogue: Read more about the Würth dowel technology as a reliable solution for professional C-Parts management.

video systemloesungen E2E – E-Business to Efficiency

Video: Inform yourself about our electronic solutions for maximum efficiency in the industry!

systemloesungen E2E – E-Business to Efficiency

Brochure: Inform yourself about all electronic solutions from Würth Industrie Service for a fast, independent ordering of production material and MRO.

systemloesungen produkte Easy Refilling

Brochure: Read more about Würth system solutions for chemical-technical products.

produkte Electrical installation

Brochure: Read more about the different products of electrical installation.

systemloesungen Electronic data exchange via EDI

Flyer: Inform yourself about electronic data exchange via EDI.

systemloesungen Electronics with system

Flyer: Read more about high quality small electrical parts in automated procurement solutions.

produkte Environmental friendly: from head to toe

Flyer: Inform yourself about environmental friendly products from head to toe.

produkte Ergonomic Cable Tie Installation Hand Tools

Flyer: Inform yourself about ergonomic cable tie-installation hand tools to promote productivity and worker safety.

produkte Everything from a single source

Brochure: Inform yourself about our products for the food industry, pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics industry and healthcare industry.

produkte Exoskeleton back

Flyer: Inform yourself about our range of exoskeletons for the back.

produkte Exoskeleton cooling cuff arm

Flyer: Inform yourself about our range of exoskeletons for the arm.

produkte Exoskeleton knee

Flyer: Inform yourself about our range of exoskeletons for the knee.

produkte Exoskeleton neck

Flyer: Inform yourself about our range of exoskeletons for the neck.

produkte Exoskeleton wrist

Flyer: Inform yourself about our range of exoskeletons for the wrist.

systemloesungen produkte Exoskeletons

Brochure: Inform yourself about our range of exoskeletons as an ergonomic boost for a more comfortable working.

video Expert Forum C-Parts Management 2024

Video: Inform yourself about our Expert Forum C-Parts Management.

media unternehmen Facts and figures: Würth Group

Flyer: Inform yourself about the most important facts and figures of the Würth Group.

produkte Fasteners: Anti-corrosion

Brochure: Read more about innovative surfaces for highest corrosion protection of fasteners.

produkte GEFU®Taptite

Brochure: Inform yourself about a thread-rolling screw in a class of its own - the GEFU®Taptite 2000®.

beschaffung General purchasing terms

Document: Inform yourself about General Terms and Conditions of Purchase of Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG.

beschaffung General Terms of Delivery and Payment

Document: Inform yourself about General Terms of Delivery and Payment of Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG.

produkte Hand protection

Brochure: Inform yourself about individual hand protection solutions for every application.

produkte Hydraulics

Catalogue: Inform yourself about our range for high-quality and secure connections.

produkte Hygiene products

Brochure: Inform yourself about our specialized product portfolio for safety at work.

qualitaet beschaffung unternehmen IATF 16949

Certification: The IATF 16949 certification attests that Würth Industrie Service meets the quality management requirements in the automotive industry.

systemloesungen iBin®

Brochure: Inform yourself about iBin® as an optical ordering system that revolutionises the entire materials industry in a sustainable way.

video systemloesungen iBin®

Video: Find out about the first intelligent Kanban bin that will revolutionize the entire materials management industry in the long term.

video systemloesungen iBin®WP

Video: Check out the iBin®WP for direct, connected workplace supply.

unternehmen Image brochure C-Parts. With Certainty.

Brochure: Read more about Würth Industrie Service – your partner for efficient and secure C-Parts management.

produkte Inch Fasteners

Brochure: Read more about the relevance and different types of Inch fasteners.

produkte Inch Fasteners

Poster: Fasteners with inch thread at a glance.

systemloesungen produkte Innovative Workplace Solutions

Catalogue: Inform yourself about individual workplace solutions of our product line CPS®IWS – Innovative Workplace Solutions – for an optimal workplace organisation.

unternehmen Insights into economy, culture and history

Flyer: Inform yourself about economy, culture and history around Würth Industrie Service.

beschaffung Instruction for delivery

Document: Instruction for delivery Würth Industrie Service

karriere Internship. With perspective.

Flyer: Inform yourself about the internship offer of Würth Industrie Service. For your Internship. With Perspectives.

systemloesungen iPLACER®

Brochure: Inform yourself about the iPLACER® as a RFID module for the recording of requirements at the workplace, on the flow rack and at any point of need.

video systemloesungen Is your fabrication really lean?

Video: Inform yourself about our integrated, connected concept for production and equipment supply of today and for your factory of tomorrow.

systemloesungen iSCALE: sensor-controlled scale

Flyer: Inform yourself about the scale system iSCALE as a part of our system portfolio for automated C-Parts supply.

systemloesungen iSCALEpal

Flyer: Inform yourself about the innovative pallet scale system iSCALEpal.

systemloesungen iTERMINAL

Flyer: Inform yourself about our iTERMINAL as a digital interaction point on the Kanban rack.

media unternehmen Kaleidoscope – The Würth Group magazine

Magazine: Discover the facets of the Würth world from a variety of perspective.

systemloesungen Lean Factory

Brochure: Read more about our comprehensive production and operational equipment supply for industry 4.0.

systemloesungen Lean Manufacturing

Flyer: Read more about our package of products for an optimally equipped, ergonomic workplace.

produkte Lifting technology

Catalogue: Read more about the product range of slings of Würth Industrie Service.

produkte Machine and operating elements

Brochure: Read more about machine and operating elements.

produkte Machine fleet

Brochure: Inform yourself about the optimized machine fleet of Würth.

produkte MARTOR Safety Knives

Brochure: Inform yourself about safety knives from MARTOR.

qualitaet Mobile inspection service

Flyer: Inform yourself about our mobile inspection service to have your work tools and lifting equipment inspected regularly.

produkte Multinorm clothing

Flyer: Inform yourself about comfortable and fashionable multinorm clothing.

produkte New Balance safety shoes

Flyer: Inform yourself about the range of New Balance safety shoes.

produkte Nuts-and-washer assemblies

Flyer: Inform yourself about nuts-and-washer assemblies as a combination of a hexagon nut and an additional fastening element.

produkte Occupational Safety

Catalogue: Read more about Occupational Safety for the industry.

produkte Occupational Safety Würth MODYF

Catalogue: Inform yourself about several work wear products of Würth MODYF in the field of occupational safety.

video Online Shop tutorials

Video: On our YouTube channel you can find different online shop tutorials collected in a playlist.

systemloesungen Online-Shop handbook

Brochure: Inform yourself about our Online-Shop and its different functions.

produkte Operating facility

Catalogue: Find out about our range of products for the furnishing of your workshop.

qualitaet unternehmen Origin of Goods

Brochure: Inform yourself about the origin of goods and the origin management at Würth Industrie Service.

produkte ORSY®

Catalogue: Inform yourself about our intelligent ORSY® systems.

systemloesungen ORSY® – Order with a System

Catalogue: Read more about the warehouse management system CPS®ORSY for more efficiency through ORder with a SYstem.

produkte ORSY® system case

Brochure: Read more about the ORSY® System Case as an optimal organizing tool.

produkte ORSY®BULL

Brochure: Inform yourself about the Systembox ORSY®BULL as an in-house development from Würth.

produkte ORSY®FLEET fleet management

Brochure: Read more about the fleet management for your equipment and machinery ORSY®fleet.

systemloesungen ORSY®FLEX

Flyer: Inform yourself about the innovative ORSY®Flex rack with modular construction.

systemloesungen ORSY®Flex Shelving System – Operating Instructions

Brochure: Inform yourself about the functionality, mounting and operating parts of the Würth ORSY®Flex shelving system.

systemloesungen ORSY®mat

Brochure: Inform yourself about the ORSY®mat systems as a holistic vending machine concept for operating and auxiliary materials.

systemloesungen ORSY®mat CHE – Operating instructions

Brochure: Inform yourself about the ORSY®mat CHE.

systemloesungen ORSY®mat FP – Operating instructions

Brochure: Inform yourself about the Master and Satellite modules of the ORSY®mat FP.

systemloesungen ORSY®mat HX – Operating instructions

Brochure: Inform yourself about the ORSY®mat HX.

systemloesungen ORSY®mat RT – Operating instructions

Brochure: Inform yourself about the Master and Satellite module of the ORSY®mat RT.

systemloesungen ORSY®mat WGT – Operating instructions

Brochure: Inform yourself about the ORSY®mat WGT.

systemloesungen produkte ORSY®ONLINE

Brochure: Find out how ORSY®ONLINE helps you to keep your operating resources safely under control.

systemloesungen ORSY®PUSH

Flyer: Read more about the first material shelf and hazardous material storage system that automatically replenishes.

systemloesungen ORSYmat DR – Operating instructions

Brochure: Inform yourself about the Master and Satellite module of the ORSYmat DR.

produkte Packaging materials

Flyer: Read more about our wide range of packaging materials.

produkte Precision tools for metal cutting

Brochure: Find out about precision tools for metal cutting from Würth and Ruko.

produkte Pressure vessel construction

Brochure: Inform yourself about fasteners for pressure vessel construction.

produkte Products for steel construction

Brochure: Inform yourself about our wide range of products for steel construction as well as helpful information on current building regulations.

produkte Products for the furniture industry

Catalogue: Inform yourself about our products for the furniture industry.

produkte Promotional gifts & premiums from Felo

Brochure: Inform yourself about promotional gifts and rewards from Felo.

systemloesungen REFILLO®mat 2.0

Flyer: Inform yourself about our new REFILLO®mat 2.0.

produkte Safety footwear

Brochure: Inform yourself about safety shoes with the SECURA VARIO® system.

unternehmen Seminar offer

Brochure: Find out about the current range of seminars offered by Würth Industrie Service at a glance.

produkte SHEETITE®

Brochure: Inform yourself about the advantages of direct screw fastening for sheet metals with the SHEETITE® screw.

produkte SKIN LINE

Brochure: Inform yourself about our skin care products with Würth SKIN LINE.

produkte Slings

Brochure: Inform yourself about suitable screw-types or weld-on load handling attachments, rotatable or non-rotatable, in various strength classes for various procedures.

produkte Small Electrical Parts

Catalogue: Inform yourself about the product variety of our small electrical parts for industrial applications.

systemloesungen Small parts storage efficiently solved

Brochure: Read more about the benefits of our ORSY® warehouse management system.

systemloesungen Small Parts. Big Impact.

Flyer: Inform yourself about maximum productivity in C-Parts management with the right logistics and supply systems of Würth Industrie Service.

systemloesungen Small-sized bins

Flyer: Inform yourself about our small-sized bins W-KLT®2.0 S with the least volume compared to our other bin types.

systemloesungen Smart Workplace

Flyer: Inform yourself about the workplace of the future, the Smart Workplace.

produkte Standard parts

Catalogue: Inform yourself about our product range, which also includes DIN- and standard parts.

video systemloesungen Storage management ORSY®

Video: Inform yourself about the storage and retrieval systems of our CPS®ORSY warehouse management system.

systemloesungen produkte Storage of hazardous substances

Brochure: Find out about the safe and legally compliant handling as well as storage of hazardous substances.

produkte Storage technology

Flyer: Inform yourself about rolling bearings, plain bearings and further equipment from Würth Industrie Service.

unternehmen Strategy for sustainability

Fyler: Inform yourself about the strategy for sustainability of Würth Industrie Service.

produkte Stripping tools

Brochure: Inform yourself about our wide range of stripping tools.

produkte Structural adhesives

Brochure: Inform yourself about structural adhesives with outstanding adhesive strength on a wide range of materials and surfaces.

systemloesungen Success Stories – Solutions for your industry

Brochure: Learn from our references how we implement and realize supply concepts in conjunction with our customers.

unternehmen Supplier self-disclosure

Flyer: Inform yourself about Würth Industrie Service at a glance.

unternehmen Sustainability

Brochure: Read more about Würth Industrie Service and its commitment to sustainable development.

unternehmen Sustainability Report Würth Group

Brochure: Get more detailed information on the ecological and social parameters in the companies.

qualitaet Technical Cleanliness

Flyer: Inform yourself about our services in the field of technical cleanliness.

video The networked factory of the future

Video: Fraunhofer IAO, Elabo GmbH and Würth Industrie Service show how a factory of the future could look like.

karriere The perfect job. With certainty.

Brochure: Read more about the employer Würth Industrie Service and the perfect job. With certainty.

produkte Threaded inserts

Brochure: Inform yourself about our range of thread inserts for reinforcement and repair.

video unternehmen TOP 100 – Top innovator 2021

Video: compamedia awarded Würth Industrie Service as top innovator 2021.

beschaffung Transport and packaging regulations – America and Asia

Document: Transport and Packing Regulations of Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG for suppliers located in America and Asia.

beschaffung Transport and packaging regulations Europe

Document: Transport and Packing Regulations of Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG for suppliers located in Europe.

beschaffung Transport and Packing Regulation – America and Asia

Document: Packaging guideline to transport and packing regulation of Würth Industrie Service for suppliers located in America and Asia.

beschaffung Transport and Packing Regulation – Europe

Document: Packaging guideline to transport and packing regulation of Würth Industrie Service for suppliers located in Europe.

produkte TRIMNUT®

Flyer: Read more about the self-taping nut TRIMNUT® – metric nut and tool in one.

video systemloesungen Vending systems ORSY®mat

Video: Inform yourself about our individual vending systems for auxiliary and operating materials.

produkte VZD – Zinc Thick-Layer Passivated

Flyer: Inform yourself about the Chrome(VI)-free alternative to zinc yellow.

systemloesungen W-KLT®2.0

Flyer: Inform yourself about the W-KLT®2.0 for a clear storage of C-Parts.

systemloesungen W-KLT®2.0 6429

Flyer: Inform yourself about the XXL bin W-KLT®2.0 6429, which has the largest volume compared to the existing W-KLT®2.0.

produkte W.TEC®COVER CAP

Brochure: Inform yourself about the innovative W.TEC®COVER CAP products which protect against mechanical damage, dust and dirt, injuries and prevent liquids.


Brochure: Read more about the different types of ducting clamps in our brochure W.TEC®DUCTING CLAMP.

produkte W.TEC®FBS

Brochure: Inform yourself about the application of our spring band clamps, the technical features and resulting advantages.


Brochure: Inform yourself about the product group and product variety of cross and star-shaped handels in the area machine elements.

produkte W.TEC®SECURING Combi wedge lock washer

Flyer: Read more about the flexible, fast and innovative screw lock.

produkte W.TEC®SECURING Lock washer NSK-E

Flyer: Inform yourself about the lock washer NSK-E.

produkte W.TEC®SECURING Wedge Lock Washers

Brochure: Read more about our expanded standard range of locking elements.


Flyer: Inform yourself about the ribbed washer from Würth Industrie Service.


Brochure: Read more about our high quality surface systems for optimum corrosion protection in our brochure W.TEC®SURFACE PROTECTION.

produkte W.TEC®TESTING

Brochure: Read more about the Würth Industrie product range of test washers.

karriere Warehouse logistics specialist

Flyer: Read more about the areas of responsibility for specialists for warehouse logistics at Würth Industrie Service.

produkte Window production

Brochure: Read more about fasteners for the window production.

produkte Winter Special

Flyer: Inform yourself about our winter special for cold days.

video unternehmen WINWORK® – Würth Industrial Network

Video: Inform yourself about the Würth Industrial Network. At more than 60 companies. In more than 40 countries.

systemloesungen produkte unternehmen WIS Virtual Experiences

Flyer: Explore the systems and product solutions of Würth Industrie Service in an interactive way.

produkte Work clothes (Kübler)

Flyer: Find out everything you need to know about workwear from KÜBLER.

produkte Workshop and washroom hygiene

Flyer: Inform yourself about our products about workshop and washroom hygiene.

systemloesungen produkte Workshop trolleys

Flyer: Inform yourself about our workshop trolleys.

produkte WÜPLAST®

Brochure: Read more about our product line WÜPLAST® - Screws for thermoplastics.

video Würth Additive Group

Video: Inform yourself about the 3D network of the Würth Group – the Würth Additive Group.

systemloesungen produkte Würth Alu-Profile System: WAPS®

Catalogue: Inform yourself about WAPS® Aluminium profile rails for individual and ergonomic compositions at your workplace, storage spaces, assembly stations and vehicles.

media unternehmen WÜRTH INDUSTRY Logo

Logo: Here you can find our WÜRTH INDUSTRY company logo to download.

produkte Würth product range

Catalogue: Get an overview of the whole Würth product range.

qualitaet Your accredited testing service provider

Flyer: Inform yourself about our services in the accredited test laboratory.

unternehmen Your head start in C-Parts management

Brochure: Your advantage in C-Parts management through innovation and investment.